Honest Talk

"Birthed in shadows reaching for the light."

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Location: Seoul, South Korea

Open minded since 1970.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Have you noticed the "recent" trend of people wearing their pants low? Men or women it doesn't seem to matter. You can see the crack of their butts from behind, and their pubes in the front. "Wait a second! That person shaves, but I think I can see some stuble..." So, if people are displaying how many hairs are sticking up out of the crack of their ass, is it okay to comment? "Hey lady, you know you got a grey hair back there?" "Bra, I don't need to see the Chi-a-pet." Some people still have their underwear showing. If someone asks you if you are sunburnt out of concern, don't get mad because they didn't realize it was just your orange panties showing through. I'll make you a deal: Dress however you like and we will say whatever comes to mind. Posted by Hello

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Life's Treasures

This past week has brought many interesting thoughts to light. One family friend almost had to have surgery involving his heart. Luckily, the doctors did not have to operate. One friend, was not feeling well and went to see the doctor. Less than 24 hours later she was recovering from surgery. This past week we also suffered the loss of one of the oldest members of our family. Knowledge, history, love, compassion, and a personality that has touched uncounted lives has not passed this moment in time. There was also the loss of two career soldiers in Afghanistan. Parents and friends, that are no longer with us because there were problems to be solved and they volunteered to put themselves in harms way in order to help others.

Are you the type that does not know the value of the relationship that you have with other people? It is not the material possessions that convey value. It is not the status one seems to obtain through fortune. It is the lives that are touched. The course of history that is changed because of a kind soul multiplies for the benefit of all. The treasure, are those that are around us everyday and those that pass from this existence after making our lives better than they were.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

"HA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" - A Husband's Tale

I have been with my wife for over 14 years. If I had to do it again, I would. No question about it, I am hooked. Absolutely, positively in LOVE with this woman.

Okay guys, here's the part that you will understand. For the past 14 years my wonderful wife has been correcting me. I am not only a college graduate, but a lawyer as well. I have argued cases before an international tribunal. I have negotiated land deals. I have prosecuted serious crimes, including attempted murder. Yet, it never fails, I am always wrong. You see, my wife was an English major. One of her daily uses of her education is correcting my speech. I really really REALLY don't like it. This is her effort to improve me. Yes, my use of the English language has improved. I admit the positive benefits do actually exist. But 14 years! Come on!

Well today, it happen. For the first time in the past 15 years that I have known her; 14 years of couplehood, I corrected something my wife said. I smiled, she smiled, she leaned in to give me a well deserved kiss. And I said, HA!, right in her face. Oh, how I love her. But after 14 years of corrections, that "HA!" was the best reward for patience.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Welcoming back the Troops

The other day one of our/my soldiers came back from Afghanistan. I had to leave a gathering of friends in order to attend. One person asked me if it was a big deal. Of course I said yes, but she did not seem to get it. "Well, it wouldn't be that way were I used to work." But, I disagreed.

You see, when your life has been in common danger; when you have been shot at; when you have had mortar rounds fired at you; when you might have an IED go off next to your unarmored vehicle you get a bit closer. After that, you are always glad to have someone come home.

This is especially true when you have people still losing their lives and being maimed almost everyday. Cherish those that you have, and do not let the petty things of life get in the way.

Friday, April 08, 2005

Honoring the Pope and ignoring the soldier!

Pope John Paul the II past away at the vatican the other day and the world took notice. I approve. The leader of what is said to be over a billion catholics, that is 1,000,000,000 people, has past away. That is always note worthy. His words has had an effect on many lives for longer than most leaders. But enough is enough. The US Flag at all US federal and Military installations is at half mast, in honor of the Pope. The flag was lowered for a foreign religious leader. This is sooooo scary.

Separation of Church and State? Not exactly the same as the principal that is through out American history, but close enough. What the heck! The President is honoring a religious symbol. I doubt he would do so for others equally. How about the 18 people that just died in Afghanistan? What about every time we lose a soldier in one of the wars that started during the current administration? Even if the flag was at half mast for one day per person we would still have it down.

Clean up the ruined lives at "your" own feet before you start looking across the sea.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Good friends can be hard to come by. But acceptance of people for who they are is the start of a relationship that will last through time. Learn from the Honesty of children and apply it to your life. Posted by Hello

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