Honest Talk

"Birthed in shadows reaching for the light."

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Location: Seoul, South Korea

Open minded since 1970.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Book Update

So far I have completed titling all 50 chapters of my book to be.  I have been asked what the book is about, but I am going to hold off on saying.  The general book will be in the Sci-Fi near future realm.  It is sort of a what happens after “it” type of book.  

I believe that the twist that I have been plotting will make this an original and (hopefully) captivating tale.  Originality is key in life and successful series alike.  There I said it: Series.  Hopefully this will be a trilogy of five or six books.  Yes, I know.  Trilogies usually consist of three books.  This will as well, in a five or six book fashion.  Didn’t I say original concept?

I plan on writing around 500 words a day.  This will only take a short amount of time and allow for the all important family time.  500 may turn into 1000 if I am flowing, but the goal is a minimum of 500.

When I am through with the editing Deb can be the first one to read my finished draft (she asked about it first).

Friday, December 16, 2005

Book Writing 101

After succesfully completing National Novel Writing Month for the second year in a row I am now ready to actually try to write a real book (again). This time I have a plan.

I have written out the titles of 50 chapters. For each chapter I am going to write 1,000 words. After I have completed all 50 chapters, I will go back and fill in those areas that need more detail, as well as that extremely necessary thing called editing.

This could leave me with a small book or more likely (after I go back and fill in details) a good size novel.

The chapters are titled and the count down starts. On Sunday, 22 January 2006, the adventure begins!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Family, Court, and Writing a Novel or How I spent my November Vacation

After a month (+) long absence I have returned. I did not expect to be gone for so long, however events over took my life. At the end of October I left for a three week visit with family in the North Eastern portion of the United States. From one house to another we went with little or no break in between stops. Needless to say, there was not a lot of time for keeping current on world events or Posting to the Blog.

Immediately upon my return I dove into a Negligent Homicide trial which involved the death of a US Service Member in Iraq. While I had worked the case for months before, it was now crunch time. I started working the final prep for the trial on Friday. On Monday the trial started. On Thursday (Thanksgiving Night) the trial ended. For that seven day time period I put in over 120 hours of work.

Then I started writing for the National Novel Writing Month contest that I had signed up for. You are suppose to write a 50,000 word novel during the month of November. The timing left me with six days to actually write it. To be fair, I had actually wrote about 5,000 words before. But, in six days I managed to write about 45,106 words, pushing me over that imaginary finish line. I had over an hour to go.

By the way, I am not going to say that the book was my best piece of quality ever. It did though allow me to win the contest for the second year in a row.

Now, I am back to working "normal" hours and surfing the net, radio, and TV for news. Let's have some Honest Talk.

- Zanla

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