Honest Talk

"Birthed in shadows reaching for the light."

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Location: Seoul, South Korea

Open minded since 1970.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Bush calls for Constitutional amendment banning gay marriage

What a crock of crap. President Bush has called for a Constitutional amendment banning gay marriage. Let us take a few moments to understand the foundation of the United States of America: The Constitution.

1) The Constitution gives the federal government the power that the States do not exercise for themselves.

To the best of my knowledge every single state has enacted laws that regulate marriage.

2) Gay marriage is legal currently in the state of Massachusettes.

An amendment to the constitution which bans gay marriage would make the federal government force a State to bow to the all mighty big brother governnment.

3) In order to regulate marriage for the entire country the federal government would have to declare what constitutes a marriage.

How much government do you want in your religious ceremony? Or, is President Bush simply going to declare all religious ceremonies revolving around marriage as null and void?

4) No one expects it to pass.

The President and Congress have jobs. MAYBE THEY SHOULD ACTUALLY GET TO WORK. Let's see: The budget, the war in Iraq (dumb idea), the war in Afghanistan (I think they forgot about that), health care, education, unemployment, fuel dependency (that's oil/gas), did I mention the budget?

Bush calls for Constitutional amendment banning gay marriage

What a crock of crap. President Bush has called for a Constitutional amendment banning gay marriage. Let us take a few moments to understand the foundation of the United States of America: The Constitution.

1) The Constitution gives the federal government the power that the States do not exercise for themselves.

To the best of my knowledge every single state has enacted laws that regulate marriage.

2) Gay marriage is legal currently in the state of Massachusettes.

An amendment to the constitution which bans gay marriage would make the federal government force a State to bow to the all mighty big brother governnment.

3) In order to regulate marriage for the entire country the federal government would have to declare what constitutes a marriage.

How much government do you want in your religious ceremony? Or, is President Bush simply going to declare all religious ceremonies revolving around marriage as null and void?

4) No one expects it to pass.

The President and Congress have jobs. MAYBE THEY SHOULD ACTUALLY GET TO WORK. Let's see: The budget, the war in Iraq (dumb idea), the war in Afghanistan (I think they forgot about that), health care, education, unemployment, fuel dependency (that's oil/gas), did I mention the budget?

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Army commanders are told to rein in spending until supplement arrives

The dishonest management of the Iraq war has struck home at the Department of Defense. With congress still debating over the supplemental budget request as reported in the Stars and Stripes the Army is desperately attempting to keep its financial head above the water.

If the average American citizen spent their income like the military does they would be called irresponsible, almost no one would have any sympathy for them whatsoever. "Hey, George and Don just spent their entire years income within the first eight months of the year. -- What? Dumbass!!!"

Now, the Army is halting all of its non-essential spending ASAP. By non-essential that means non-Iraq/Afghanistan spending. Do you know that the Army is shutting non-essential things down like Judges traveling to trials. How about the fact that the Army if firing a large part of their temporary workers. How's that for fiscal responsibility. A temporary fix for short sighted planning.

How about an honest statement from our Government: It will cost a gabillion dollars each year to sustain the "war" effort in Iraq.

Maybe if they started from that point we wouldn't have to shut down everything else to attempt to cover up their poor management.

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