Honest Talk

"Birthed in shadows reaching for the light."

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Location: Seoul, South Korea

Open minded since 1970.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Black Friday and the end of childhood

Today is “Black” Friday in the United States. This is a day where most retail businesses sell incredible amounts of merchandise, thereby salvaging their failing existence.

Tis the season that many children are taught to love gifts and toys from Santa Claus instead of small tokens of affection from those people that love them..

Where are your priorities? Your children’s potential to be well adapted members of your family and society or their potential to be wonderful consumers and economic gluttons?
Your pick…

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Eye Surgery - Recovery

Everything is going well with the PRK aftermath. There is a bit of light sensitivity that has come along with the recovery process, but that was expected. I am walking this world with sunglasses on, so life "without" glasses has not exactly occurred yet.

However, after over 23 years of poor vision quality; of needing glasses to interact with the world during every waking moment, life has definitely taken a turn for the better. 18 years of following this new laser eye surgery has finally paid off.

Friday, November 17, 2006

PRK: A benefit of service

I have been flying across the globe and incredibly busy these past few months. Now it is on to the next great adventure. This Monday, 20 November 2006, I will going through PRK: Laser Eye Surgery. One of the current benefits of service in the United States Army is that you may qualify for eye surgery.

Some may worry that this is an "Army" doctor, but let me lay your fears to rest. The truth of the matter is that very few people have perfect vision. Over the past four years Army doctors have been performing tens of thousands of these procedures. Experience like that is not as easy to come by as you might think.

Now after all is said and done it is my turn.

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