Honest Talk

"Birthed in shadows reaching for the light."

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Location: Seoul, South Korea

Open minded since 1970.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Bush Administration Double-Talk

After hearing a story on the radio about how fatherly and human Sadam Hussein is, I heard another story about the known whereabouts of Usama Ben Laden. Of course the Usama story was only half as long as the Sadam story, but I can deal with that without too much complaint. I mean it is hard to talk about a person that is not making headlines right now, right? NO, it isn’t!

Here’s what got my fire stoked. The head of the CIA, the man that works for Bush, said that not only did he have a very good idea where Usama was, but that the United States could not go get him because “we have to respect the national sovereignty of other countries.”

Please find it within you to excuse my language, but what a load of shit! This coming from the same administration that invaded Iraq and directly, and indirectly, caused the death of thousands and thousands of people. This coming from the same administration headed up by George W. Bush who said that, “any country that gives shelter to terrorist is our enemy”? Way back when the “War on Terrorism” started there was going to be nothing that stood in the path of the American juggernaut, the American path of vengeance. Now, Bush’s man (and please do not pretend ignorance in the fact that the head of the CIA, FBI, etc. works directly for and at the pleasure of the President. This could not have been said without 1) approval from the oval office; or 2) a very short career for the agency head.) says that the administration knows where Usama is, but is not able to get him because another country might be upset.

Either we are going to get him, or we are not. Either we are going into other countries or the past three and a half years have been a lie. Is the administration scared because this other nation is too strong and we are too spread out? Or do we not want the price of oil to skyrocket by invading the wrong country. How about some Honesty from the Bush administration? Why aren’t the people upset about the lies and manipulation by the administration? Are the masses truly sheep? Where are the cries of outrage? Where are the news commentators? CNN? Fox? NPR? Somebody? Where is your outrage? Let’s hear it?


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