Honest Talk

"Birthed in shadows reaching for the light."

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Location: Seoul, South Korea

Open minded since 1970.

Saturday, November 06, 2004

The Election is over: Get over it

Okay, one of the most contentious elections in the last 100 years is over. Now what are you going to complain about? Here is some Honest Talk about bad behavior:

People have called the Bush administration evil. Others have called those that spoke out against President Bush traitors. Well, both sides are wrong.

Bush may be properly called any number of things that you shouldn't say in front of my young son, but evil is not one of them. That implies that he is more intelligent than the people that call him evil give him credit.

Those that speak out against Bush are exercising their right to free speech and should not be yell at for a right that most people hold close to their heart. If you take away their right (an example would be arresting a non-violent protester at a Bush rally) than the entire country would be closer to the countries that the US has envaded in recent years.

Everyone has a right to their opinion. The key is not agreeing with someone else, but respecting their right to disagree with you.


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